Moses: Letters in Exile
/Pastor JT looks at the story of God showing Moses the Promised Land on Mt. Nebo and compares it to Christ's final triumphant entry into Jerusalem on his way to the Cross.
Pastor JT looks at the story of God showing Moses the Promised Land on Mt. Nebo and compares it to Christ's final triumphant entry into Jerusalem on his way to the Cross.
Pastor JT preaches on Moses striking the rock in Numbers 20 and shows how this story points us forward to Jesus Christ, the Rock who was struck for our sins.
Pastor JT speaks on the 12 spies going into Promised Land ahead of the people in Numbers 13 and 14.
Pastor JT preaches on the giving of the Law and answers the questions "What is the Law?" "How does it relate to the Gospel?" and "How does it relate to us?"
Chris Andrews talks about grumbling, complaining, and how hard it can be to trust in God when life is challenging.
Pastor Jonathan Tagg talks about the parting of the Red Sea in Exodus 14.
Chris Meckley preaches on true repentance and recovering the meaning of Lent in the Church.
In the final installment of our mini-series on Calling, Values, and Vision Pastor JT points to the story of Paul at the Areopagus in Athens (Acts 17:16-34) to share about our own Vision to reach those around us.
How do we relate to God and others and why does it matter? Pastor JT answers these questions by sharing about our key values at The River.
(We apologize that the first few minutes of the sermon were not recorded.)
Jack McDonald preaches about two of Jesus' "I AM" statements in John 10 (The Gate and The Good Shepherd) and shows the exclusivity and divinity of Jesus the Messiah.
Pastor JT kicks off 2016 with a sermon on Acts 9:32-35 about making New Life resolutions, not just new year's resolutions, and on becoming a new creation in Christ.
Chris Andrews speaks on Acts 10 and Peter's call to Caesarea, and how this correllates to God's call for us to eliminate our own stereotypes.
Pastor JT talks about the history of communion as the passover meal, and why we celebrate communion each week.
Pastor JT talks about our use of the historic Creeds in worship, and Claire Andrews follows him up with some teaching on the relationship between Prayer and Worship.
Chris Andrews continues our Advent series by discussing our use of music in Worship and the weekly reading and preaching of the Word.
Chris Meckley kicks off our 4-week Advent Series, What We Do in Worship and Why, by talking about what worship really is and how we can better prepare for it.
Pastor JT preaches on our path to the Promised Land through Jesus Christ the Son.
Exodus 6:1-12
Bishop Steve Breedlove visits with us and preaches on various aspects of the Love of God, specifically His mother-love and His father-love.
Pastor JT talks about Moses's encounter with God in the burning bush.
Chris Meckley preaches on Exodus 3.
110 Roanoke St E
Blacksburg Virginia, 24060
Morning Worship - 9:15am
PO Box 924
Blacksburg, VA 24063