Walking with Jesus through Hard Times, Part V

Some people welcomed Jesus, treating him with love and gratitude.  Some ignored Him. Some abused Him. How do we welcome Jesus into our homes and our lives?  How does my welcome of Jesus reflect in how I welcome others?

  • Scripture used: Luke 7:36-52; Psalm 116:8-17

  • Meaningful conversation starters: How am I welcoming Jesus into all aspects of my life? How am I welcoming others? If something needs to change, where I do start?

Trusting in God's Word, Part II: The Canon

Trusting God’s Word includes trusting that the books in the Bible are God-breathed. Why were these books included, when, by whom, and for what reasons? Why is having a Canon of Scripture so important to us, the Church, and our world?

  • Scripture Used: 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5, John 14:15-27

  • Meaningful Conversation Starters: How would you feel, and what would you do, if you had to search through everything ever written in order to find God’s Words to you? You have God’s Word available to you in the Bible, and more available than ever in the history of the world! What will you do with it?

Trusting in God's Word, Part I

This week we begin our new series, one that will explore the many reasons we can trust the Bible to be what it asserts -- God’s Word . We are exploring the development of the Old and New Testament, the modes of inspiration, and more. In addition to the series we’re encouraging the congregation to engage in a challenge to read 50 Bible passages that we’re providing weeks 1 and 2.

  • Scripture used: 2 Peter 1:16-21, John 1:1-14

Listening to God in the Quiet

There are times in life when everything crashes in, and we feel like giving up. Elijah’s desperate escape and God’s loving restoration paints a picture of how God desires to lead us to wholeness and hope. In comparison, Jesus’s quiet model of slipping away in the quiet of the morning, demonstrates an alternate approach for coping with life’s chaos before we crumble under the stress.

  • Scripture used: 1 Kings 19:1-16 and Mark 1:29-39

  • Meaningful Conversation Starters: Share a time in your life when it seemed like all was crashing in.  How did you find you way back to God? What might you do differently next time?

Advent Week IV: Born to Raise the Sons of Earth

Our bodies are made in God’s image, proclaimed “very good” by God himself, “fearfully and wonderfully made.” At Christmas we celebrate the Son of God being born without shame in a human body. In addition, Jesus’ resurrection was a foretaste of our own resurrection. When he returns, death will be defeated and we will be risen with everlasting human bodies like his.

  • Scripture Used: Genesis 1:26-31, 1 Corinthians 15, Luke 1:26-56

  • Meaningful Conversation Starters: Do you honestly think of your body as “very good” like God said, or “fearfully and wonderfully made” like David wrote? Why or why not?

  • Before the sermon, did you understand that Jesus’ resurrection was a foretaste of your own afterlife? Does 1 Corinthians 15 change or clarify anything you believed previously?

Advent Week III: Grief Can Lead Us to Heaven

In the early church, advent was a time to celebrate the first coming of Christ, but also to prepare for His return. This series will explore the glories of heaven -- its realities, promises and rewards -- as well as the imminent return of Jesus Christ. We should grieve, but not like the world because God has a person and plan in whom/which can place our hope.

  • Scripture used: I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 24:29-35

  • Meaningful conversation starters: What are areas where you grieve? Have you shared these with those you trust? How can they lead you TO God rather than away from Him? Do you have confidence in the person and plan of God for you in eternity?

Advent Week I: The Glories of Heaven and The Return of Christ

In the early church, advent was a time to celebrate the first coming of Christ, but also to prepare for His return. The Advent series will explore the glories of heaven -- its realities, promises and rewards -- as well as the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Who we are and how we live today matters because our journey into eternity, towards God or away from Him, begins here on earth.

  • Scripture used: Heb 11:1-16; Rev 7:9-17

  • Meaningful conversation starter: What were some of the images or ideas about heaven you’ve had as a child or young adult? How has the bible helped to change those ideas?

Week 1: From Fear to Faith

The new sermon series called “Managing As a Joy and Not a Burden” will look at what the Bible says about how managing time, talents, and treasures should lead us to greater faith, generosity and gratitude -- not fear, greed and covetousness. Today’s message deals with God’s provision for us not to worry but seek first His Kingdom. [Scripture used: 1 Chronicles 29:1-18; Matthew 6:19-34]