Changing Cultures | Share Jesus
/Jonathan concludes our series "Changing Cultures," looking at the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch and the goal of Sharing Jesus with others.
Jonathan concludes our series "Changing Cultures," looking at the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch and the goal of Sharing Jesus with others.
Jonathan continues our "Changing Cultures" series by looking closely at what it means to truly Follow Jesus.
Jonathan kicks off a new sermon series looking at what our leadership has been up to over the past several months. Today's sermon looks at what it means to really Know Jesus, and how that changes everything.
This morning Chris Meckley preaches on what the Bible says about the sanctity of human life and what it means for us today.
Jonathan preaches on Jesus’ appearance to the disciples on the road to Emmaus as we celebrate the Resurrection.
Our Good Friday service looks to the Old Testament and to the story of the Crucifixion, and Jonathan preaches on the importance of the Cross.
Chris Meckley concludes our series by looking at the vice of Lust, as well as our only hope for combating any of the vices.
Today Jonathan speaks on the vice of Wrath, looking at how the righteous anger of God differs from our too-often unrighteous anger.
This week Matt continues our sermon series, Glittering Vices, defining and examining the vice of Sloth.
This is the second week in our series, "Glittering Vices." Today Pastor Jonathan talks to us about Envy and its potential to ruin lives.
Unfortunately due to technical issues our service and sermon for February 18th was not recorded. This sermon looked at the vice of Vainglory (ch. 3 in the book). The scriptures were 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 and Matthew 4:1-11.
We begin Lent with our solemn and contemplative Ash Wednesday service.
Today Chris concludes our series on The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, getting us ready for Lent by looking at what it means to be convicted by the Holy Spirit.
Today, Jonathan focuses on what it means to love and be loved by the Holy Spirit and what we can do to show others love through the Holy Spirit.
Jonathan continues our series on the Holy Spirit, looking at how the Holy Spirit empowers us for life and ministry.
Jonathan begins our new sermon series, The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, looking at Jesus' promise to send the Holy Spirit to his disciples, as well as how the Holy Spirit guides us today.
Today Jonathan gives a sermon on discipline and what it looks like in our relationship with Jesus.
This week Jack McDonald preaches on Epiphany and the revealing of Jesus the Messiah to the Magi.
Happy New Year from all of us at The River. Today Jonathan gives a sermon on the Gospel or The Good News. He focuses on how the Gospel is central to our lives, what the Gospel is, and how it should impact our lives.
Join us for our Christmas Eve service!
110 Roanoke St E
Blacksburg Virginia, 24060
Morning Worship - 9:15am
PO Box 924
Blacksburg, VA 24063