Sunday Worship

9:15 am

110 Roanoke St. E
Blacksburg, VA

We’d love to get to know you!

Be sure to stop by the Welcome Table in the rear of the auditorium when you visit. And join us for coffee following the service in the fellowship hall (located across the parking lot from the main building).

Planning a First Visit to the River Anglican Church?

Our Sunday worship service incorporates elements that are both ancient and contemporary - Communion, reading the Scriptures together, a sermon, and singing both traditional and contemporary songs.

Nursery care is offered for the entirety of the service for children 0-2. Children's programming is available for children ages 3 through 5th grade (during the sermon and prayers).

Parking is available behind the church (between Roanoke and Lee Streets). Enter the parking lot from Lee Street.


What to Expect

  • Our worship blends traditional and contemporary music, prayer, and biblical teaching in the framework of Anglican tradition and liturgy. Words to all of the prayers and songs are projected on screens so you can fully participate even if this is your first visit to an Anglican church.

  • Communion (Lord’s Supper) is the culmination of our worship. You do not have to be Anglican or a member of our church to receive communion. We just ask that you be a baptized believer of Christ.

    To receive communion, we come forward with our hands stretched out to receive the elements.

  • Our congregation wears everything from jeans and t-shirts to business casual. Wear what makes you comfortable.

  • A Nursery is provided for children up to 2. Children’s programming is available to ages 3-5th grade. Children begin the service with their parents and are released to their ministry programs prior to the sermon. Children rejoin their parents for communion. For more about children’s Sunday programming, see our Children’s Ministry page.