2024 Gatherings for the Spiritually Curious

Whether you are investigating the Christian faith for the first time, or have been a Christian for a while, we all have questions about God, faith, the Church, etc. 

There is one ongoing gathering and three events happening this fall as part of the “2024 Gatherings for the Spiritually Curious:” 

  1. Questions for Normal People (aka, Theology on Tap) Will have two types of meetings: 1. Individuals present briefly on a topic, then the group discusses with the presenter and one another. 2. “Open”, discussing topics people bring. 

  2. A movie about Deitrich Bonhoeffer. View the true story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a man who preached love while plotting the assassination of an evil tyrant. Details TBD.

  3. A Moss Arts Center performance of The Screwtape Letters. This semester, the Socrates gathering will focus on following up on the Screwtape Letters performance with a panel of individuals who can initiate, and answer, questions on Lewis’ work. 

  4. A Socrates event. Socrates are events that occur 1-2x per semester, meeting at the Church of God fellowship Hall. We begin with dinner, then have a discussion about a topic with a panel who assist in providing answers.

Wednesday, September 25th, 5pm-6:30pm., PK’s Bar and Grill

Questions for Normal People. Topic: “Is Jesus the Only Way to God?” (Mike Weaver, Bradley Study Center) 

Wednesday, October 9th, 5pm-6:30pm, PK’s Bar and Grill

Questions for Normal People. Open discussion

Wednesday, October 23rd, 5pm-6:30pm, PK’s Bar and Grill 

Questions for Normal People. Topic: “The Problem of Evil” (Dean Bork, former VT architecture professor)

Wednesday, November 6th, 5pm-6:30pm, PK’s Bar and Grill

Questions for Normal People. Open discussion

Wednesday, November 22nd, Bonhoeffer Movie

Movie with followup event, details TBD.

Tuesday, December 3rd, 7:30pm-9:30pm

Performance: The Screwtape Letters (at the Moss Arts Center): https://www.bradleystudycenter.org/events/the-screwtape-letters-stageplay/

Wednesday, December 4th,  5:00pm-7:00pmp

Socrates. Screwtape Letters follow-up with dinner and panel discussion. 

Not familiar with The Screwtape Letters or want to know more before the performance?