Discipleship Pathway - Knowing God's Identity
/In this week’s sermon we talked about God and what He is like. Ultimately, the one true God, YHWH, is unique—He is unlike anything else. He is all-powerful, all-wise, without beginning or end, completely holy and loving. He is in a completely different class from the gods of Egypt, the gods of Olympus, or any other pantheon. He does not rely on anything else, he did not spring from any primordial waters, or is the product of some other gods. All things, all time, matter, energy and space depend on YHWH for their existence.
However, we also know that God is triune, a Trinity. There is only one God, but there are three persons. But what does this mean exactly?
Listen to Jonathan’s sermon, read the notes from Matt’s session talk, and exercise your faith with the practicum.