May 26, 2012 God's Word (Part 5): The Sufficiency of Scripture May 26, 2012/ Jonathan Tagg Proverbs 2:1-11 God's Word: The Sufficiency of Scriptureclick to listen
May 14, 2012 God's Word (Part 4): The Clarity of Scripture May 14, 2012/ Jonathan Tagg Mark 10:46-52 God's Word: The Clarity of Scriptureclick to listen
April 30, 2012 God's Word (Part 2): Biblical Inerrancy April 30, 2012/ Jonathan Tagg 2 Timothy 3:10-17 God's Word: Biblical Inerrancyclick to listen
April 22, 2012 God's Word (Part 1): Biblical Authority April 22, 2012/ Jonathan Tagg Hebrews 4:1-6 God's Word: Biblical Authorityclick to listen